Welcome to Your

Safe Space






I'm pretttttty sure if I asked YOU to describe your ideal life in three words it would not include: anxious, overwhelmed, & exhausted.

Yet, here we are.

Hey there!


Read my story  ➝

I’ve always believed we are meant to do this journey of healing TOGETHER.

As a licensed therapist, I use my understanding of how trauma shapes us early in life & my obsession with overcoming my own mental health struggles to empower you to become your favorite self.

Working with me, you will quickly learn that vulnerability is a superpower & you were never actually too sensitive.

Build Your Ideal Healing Experience.

Because you are a unique individual & our work together will honor that.
Choose the path below that best suits your wants & needs.

1:1 Coaching  

*this is for someone who wants to dive right into the healing work & needs help taking action


Customized Journal Prompts 

*this is for someone who wants to put in the healing on their own, but could use some guidance

Anxiety Deactivated 

*this is for someone who needs a good starting point or refresher on their healing journey

Choose Your Path

*Due to the nature of the work I do & services provided - there are no refunds & payment is required prior to a 1:1 session or creation of customized journal prompts.

*I understand that life happens, so you may cancel & reschedule your 1:1 session once before forfeiting your payment.Â